Legal notice and privacy policy


 These General Conditions of Use and Contract (henceforth, “the General Conditions”) govern the access and use of the website accessible through the domain name www.CAN PARÉS and its subdomains, from www.CAN PARÉS,, www.CAN PARÉS and its subdomains, and the mobile applications called CAN PARÉS RURAL and CAN PARÉS RURAL Owners (henceforth, the "Portal" ). As well as the contracting of products and/or services through this. The simple access to the Portal attributes to the person who performs it the condition of user of the same (henceforth, "the User"). If you do not agree with these General Conditions, the User must immediately leave the Portal without using it.

By accepting these General Conditions, the User declares:

a) That you have read, understand and accept what is stated here.
b) That, in the event that it is prepared to contract any product and/or service, it has sufficient capacity for this.
c) That he is of legal age.


1. General information about the Portal

Below is the general information about the Portal:

Holder: ANNA PARÉS SASANEDAS (hereinafter referred to by its commercial name, “CAN PARÉS RURAL”).
Headquarters and establishment: Can Parés sn 17150 Sant Gregori
NIF: 40348893Q
Telephone: +34 696 04 72 56


2. Access to the Portal

Simple access to the Portal is free except for the cost of the connection through the telecommunications network provided by the access provider contracted by the User.

3. Definitions

The Traveler is the person who uses the Portal to find accommodation and make a reservation.

The Owner is the person or company that voluntarily advertises their tourist accommodation on the Portal.

The Portal acts as an intermediary by publishing information about tourist accommodation available for rent and offers the tools for the Traveler and the Owner to communicate and make reservations.

CAN PARÉS RURAL is a Spanish company that owns the Portal and maintains its IT systems.

4. Content and services linked through the Portal

The Portal may contain technical linking devices, directories and even search tools that allow the User to access other Internet pages and portals (henceforth, “Linked Sites”). In these cases, CAN PARÉS RURAL will only be responsible for the content and services provided in the Linked Sites to the extent that it has effective knowledge of their illegality and has not deactivated the link to them with due diligence. In the event that the User considers that there is a Linked Site with illegal or inappropriate content, they can report it to CAN PARÉS RURAL.

Under no circumstances should the existence of Linked Sites presuppose the formalization of agreements between CAN PARÉS RURAL and those responsible or owners thereof, as well as the recommendation or promotion of Linked Sites and/or their contents by CAN PARÉS RURAL Unless expressly stated otherwise on the Portal, CAN PARÉS RURAL does not know the contents and services of the Linked Sites and, therefore, is not responsible for the damages that these may cause to the User or any third party.

5. Intellectual and industrial property

All the contents of the Portal, including, by way of example but not exhaustively, the texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, software, links and other audiovisual or sound content, as well as their graphic design and source codes, are the intellectual property of CAN PARÉS RURAL or of third-party licensors, without being understood to be assigned to the User any of the exploitation rights recognized by current regulations on intellectual property on these.

The brands, trade names and other distinctive signs published on the Portal are the property of CAN PARÉS RURAL or of third-party assignors and/or licensors, without any right being transferred to the User.

The User declares to be the sole author of all photographs, images, texts and/or comments (henceforth, "User Content") that he publishes or sends through the sections of the Portal provided for this effect, guaranteeing that the use of the same on the Portal does not infringe the rights of any third party. Regarding this User Content, the User freely assigns to CAN PARÉS RURAL the rights of public communication, reproduction, distribution and transformation, in all existing modes of exploitation until the date of acceptance of these General Conditions. This transfer is made for the universal territorial scope and for the time corresponding to your entire life and seventy years after the death or declaration of death of the User.

Images uploaded by Users are subject to review by CAN PARÉS RURAL. CAN PARÉS RURAL reserves the right not to validate the images or even to remove images already published, as long as they are not related to the Portal's theme or add value to other Users, being able to apply subjective criteria during validation.

The opinions sent by Users are individual and subjective opinions that correspond to the User who published them and not to CAN PARÉS RURAL. The Portal reserves the right to suspend or remove any opinion that it considers to be inauthentic, that is not respectful or that violates the law of these conditions, as well as requiring information from the authors to verify their authenticity.

CAN PARÉS RURAL is not responsible for the opinions expressed by the User obliging the latter not to publish opinions:

• That they do not correspond to own experiences after staying in an establishment.
• Defamatory, inaccurate, false, abusive, insulting, obscene, irreverent, offensive, insulting, tacitly or expressly sexual, threatening, harassing, racist, sexist, discriminatory for any reason, that attack morals, public order, rights fundamental, public liberties, honor, privacy or the image of third parties and, in general, current regulations, and/or illegal or infringing rights of third parties.
• For commercial purposes, false, misleading or that promote illegal activities or conduct that is rude, threatening, obscene, defamatory or abusive.
• Contain personal data about third parties that require the consent of the interested party.
• That they are duplicated. Each User may post only one opinion on each accommodation. In the case of group stays, only one review will be allowed per stay.
• That they are created by the Owner of the accommodation being reviewed. In this case, if any Owner is found to be writing opinions about their accommodations, their opinion system for their accommodations may be permanently deactivated and they may even be removed from the Portal.

The User will be liable to CAN PARÉS RURAL or to the Owner of the accommodation, for any harm and damage that may be caused as a result of the breach of these rules. The Portal allows the publication of opinions, positive or negative, about rural accommodation, but CAN PARÉS RURAL does not intervene in the opinions of Users and is not responsible or guarantees the veracity and accuracy of the opinions.

6. Making reservations for Travelers
1. Main characteristics of the goods

The main characteristics of the accommodations published through the Portal can be consulted on the descriptive sheet with which they are presented.

When a Traveler is interested in booking accommodation, there are currently two possible ways:

a) The Traveler is the one who contacts the Owner directly and they manage this reservation between them. CAN PARÉS RURAL simply acts as an intermediary in the contact, but does not intervene in the recruitment.
b) Some accommodations have activated online booking. With these accommodations, the Traveler can make the reservation through the Portal, paying only a deposit and finalizing the contract directly with the Owner outside the Portal. So in this type of reservation, the signal that the Traveler gives to the Owner is managed through the Portal, but the final contract is made directly between the Traveler and the Owner without the intervention of CAN PARÉS RURAL

2. Booking procedure in accommodation with online booking

The language in which the contract can be formalized is Spanish.

The procedure for making reservations through the Portal is as follows:

1. From the accommodation sheet, the Traveler selects the dates on which he wishes to book.
2. The Traveler chooses the reservation option that meets his requirements in terms of number of people and price by clicking "add" the reservation option to the cart.
3. To be able to continue with the online reservation, the Traveler must log in, or if not registered, proceed to registration.
4. A payment form is presented that allows the Traveler to: Add a note for the accommodation; know and accept these General Conditions; insert your card with secure payment via Stripe.
5. The traveler agrees to make the reservation online through the "Book and pay" button.
6. Finally, the Traveler will see a message on the screen confirming the correct completion of the reservation process. You will also receive an email confirming the successful completion of the process.

CAN PARÉS RURAL will keep electronic proof of the contract made by the Traveler, who can consult his history of reservations made through his account.

Through this booking process, the Traveler only pays the deposit, the rest of the amount to be paid will be managed directly between the Traveler and the Owner without the intervention of CAN PARÉS RURAL, as well as the rest of the services inherent in the reservation and enjoyment of the accommodation.

3. Price and payment methods

The prices indicated for each accommodation in its corresponding file include, unless expressly indicated to the contrary, Value Added Tax (VAT) and, in any case, are expressed by default in Euro (€) currency . These prices, unless expressly stated otherwise, do not include other additional services and annexes to the purchased service.

The payment methods available on the Portal are the following:

• Payment through the Stripe platform.


7. Publication of accommodation by Owners

The Owners create a profile on the CAN PARÉS RURAL Portal, but it is through the commercial department with whom they manage the contracting of the service. Therefore, although it is true that the creation of the profile is through the Portal, all the management inherent in the service provided to Owners is external.

Despite the above, the Owners who have their accommodation or accommodations published on the Portal must be aware of the following conditions, which only apply with the aim of protecting the Traveler:

• Obligation to update reservations: the Owner is obliged to update the information of his accommodation. CAN PARÉS RURAL reserves the right to modify the information if it may affect a reservation, being notified to the Owner by email.

For Owners with an active online booking service, the following obligations apply:

• Rejection of continued reservations: if an Owner accumulates more than three rejected reservations in a period of six months, the calendar being out of date for more than 15 days, CAN PARÉS RURAL reserves the right to block dates in high season to avoid that reservations are rejected on such dates. The following are considered high season dates: Easter, Christmas and national bridges.
• Inappropriate use of the service: the following actions will be considered a misuse of the service by the Owner:
– Accumulate three or more rejected reservations with less than a 75% of reservation acceptance in a period of six consecutive months. If this happens, CAN PARÉS RURAL will follow up with the Owner to support him and increase his acceptance of reservations (up to a maximum of three calls). In the event of no improvement or collaboration being detected on its part, CAN PARÉS RURAL will unilaterally terminate the relationship between the parties.
– Reject the reservation to facilitate another means external to the CAN PARÉS RURAL platform to manage the reservation. The first time this practice is detected, CAN PARÉS RURAL will notify it and warn of the malpractice, in case it is repeated on another occasion, CAN PARÉS RURAL will unilaterally terminate the relationship between the parties.

All those actions carried out by the Owners that may undermine the image and services provided through CAN PARÉS RURAL will entail the termination of the relationship between it and the Owner.

8. Password

The User is responsible at all times for the custody of his password, consequently assuming any damages that may arise from its improper use, as well as from the transfer, disclosure or loss thereof. To this end, access to restricted areas and/or use of the Portal's services and content made under your password will be deemed to have been made by the User.

9. Correction and identification of errors in data entry

When the User forgets to correctly fill in any data indicated as mandatory in the corresponding form, they will not be able to proceed with the recruitment or validation process until they have filled it out. A message on the screen will warn you of this circumstance.

You can modify and/or update at any time the data provided during the purchase process, before its completion, going back to the desired step.

By accessing their account, the User can modify and/or update at any time the data they provided when registering as a user of the Portal.

10. Right of withdrawal for Travelers

In accordance with what is provided for in article 103 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, The User is informed that he will not be able to withdraw from the following contracts:

The provision of accommodation services for purposes other than housing, transport of goods, vehicle rental, food or services related to leisure activities, if the contracts provide for a specific date or period of execution.

11. Cancellation policy

The Portal provides the technological solution and allows the creation of a framework of trust protecting the reservation process and compliance with the cancellation policy accepted by the Owner and the Traveler at the time of making the reservation.

The Traveler only has the possibility to cancel his reservation by accessing his Private Menu within the Portal, but the refund policy detailed in these General Conditions will apply. The Reservation will not be considered canceled if it has been made by any means other than this, so any communication with the Portal or the Owner that is not through the cancellation management option from the Traveler's Private Menu within the Portal.

Depending on when the cancellation is made, this may or may not result in a full or partial refund of the advance amount according to the cancellation policy defined by the Owner at the time of the reservation. The details of the accommodation include the Cancellation Policy established by the Owner. The Portal automatically applies the specific conditions for this reservation.

The TRAVELER must check the cancellation policy established by the Owner in the accommodation sheet.

Example of cancellation policy:

• Cancellation more than 15 days before the date of entry: refund of 100% of the deposit paid.
• Cancellation less than 15 and more than 7 days in advance: refund of 50% of the deposit.
• Cancellation less than 7 days in advance: the deposit paid is not returned.

To calculate the days remaining until the arrival date, 00:00 on the day of entry of the reservation is taken as the arrival date, regardless of the entry time that has been specified.

The period of receipt of the amount of the refund by the Traveler may vary depending on his bank.

If it is the Owner who cancels a reservation, the Portal must proceed to refund the amount of the deposit to the Traveler.

If the Traveler cancels a reservation before the Owner has accepted or rejected it, the Traveler will receive back the full amount of the Deposit blocked by the bank.

The cancellation policy accepted by the Traveler comes into effect when the Owner accepts the reservation submitted by the Traveler. If a Traveler decides to cancel a reservation, the Portal automatically calculates the amount of the deposit that must be returned to the Traveler and the part that corresponds to the Owner based on the Cancellation Policy established by the Owner .

Example of deposit refund:

A TRAVELER cancels a reservation and is entitled to receive the 100% of the deposit he paid, which was €50. No management fees will be charged. The TRAVELER will receive €50.

At the moment when the Traveler is no longer entitled to receive any amount in the event of a possible cancellation of the reservation, the deposit money is automatically released and the Owner can now dispose of it. From this moment, the PORTAL no longer protects this amount and its role as an intermediary platform ends for this Reserve.

The orders for transfers of amounts made are immediate, but the receipt of the money may be delayed up to 7 calendar days for reasons beyond the control of the PORTAL.

12. Obligations of the User

In addition to the obligations previously described, the User undertakes to:

• Use the Portal according to these General Conditions.
• Provide truthful data and keep it up to date.
• Do not enter information contrary to these General Conditions, or to current legislation.
• Do not use false identities, or impersonate others when using the Portal or its services.
• Custody your access data and password, committing not to transfer their use, assuming the responsibility that could arise from their improper use.


13. Termination

CAN PARÉS RURAL may interrupt or cancel the Portal or any of the services offered to Users, at any time and without prior notice. In any case, CAN PARÉS RURAL may interrupt the service to any User who makes an unethical, offensive, illegal use, or contrary to the General Conditions of the contents or services of CAN PARÉS RURAL and/or contrary to their interests.

14. Complaints, claims and requests for information

The User can direct their complaints, claims and/or requests for information to CAN PARÉS RURAL, using any of the following ways:

a) Sending a letter to Can Parés sn 17150 Sant Gregori.
b) Sending an email to the I gave



1. Enable the maintenance, development and management of the business relationship formalized by contracting services through this Website. In addition, people who hire services will receive quality surveys to find out their degree of satisfaction with the services. The data processed for this purpose will be kept as long as this business relationship is maintained and, once it has ended, during the retention and limitation periods of responsibilities provided for by law. The legal basis for the treatment is the execution of a contract to which the interested party is a party.
2. Make it possible for Travelers to communicate with the Owners of the accommodations published in CAN PARÉS RURAL. This communication request allows the Traveler to create an account in CAN PARÉS RURAL. In addition, the Traveler will be able to receive quality surveys to find out their level of satisfaction. The data processed for this purpose will be kept until the moment the Traveler expresses his will to delete his account and, after that, during the periods of conservation and prescription of responsibilities provided by law. The legal basis for the treatment is the consent shown by the Traveler when he makes his first communication request.
3. Respond to requests for information and/or inquiries made by the User. The data processed for this purpose will be kept during the retention and limitation periods of responsibilities provided for by law. The legal basis for the treatment is the User's consent.
4. Keep the User informed, even by electronic means, about the products, services and news of CAN PARÉS RURAL. The data processed for this purpose will be kept until the User withdraws their consent. If the User consents to the processing of their data for this purpose, they must check the box enabled for this purpose on the Website. The legal basis for the treatment is the User's consent.
5. Keep the User informed, even by electronic means, about the products, services and news of third parties exclusively belonging to the following sectors, areas of activity or categories: tourism, hospitality and catering, entertainment, sports, culture , leisure and travel. The data processed for this purpose will be kept until the User withdraws their consent. If the User consents to the processing of their data for this purpose, they must check the box enabled for this purpose on the Website. The legal basis for the treatment is the User's consent.
6. In the case of sending a resume through this Website, the data provided by the Interested Party will be processed to attend to his application for employment and, if this is the case, to allow him to opt for a job in CAN PARÉS RURAL. The data processed for this purpose will be kept until the end of the selection process for which they apply. The legal basis for the treatment is the application of pre-contractual measures.
7. Manage and publish the comments made by Users on the Corporate Blog of CAN PARÉS RURAL. The data processed for this purpose will be kept until the User withdraws their consent. The legal basis for the treatment is the User's consent.
8. Carry out quality surveys to find out the degree of satisfaction of Travelers and Owners with the services provided by CAN PARÉS RURAL. The data processed for this purpose will be kept during the retention and limitation periods of responsibilities provided for by law. The legal basis for processing is the consent shown during participation in the survey.

Communications and transfers

The Traveler User knows and accepts that CAN PARÉS RURAL may communicate their data to the Users Owners of rural accommodation whose rural houses appear published on the Portal (henceforth, "the Owners") and with whom the own Traveler User (from now on, "the Travelers"), so that they can process the management of the reservation or attend to any inquiry made by the Travelers.

In any case, the personal data of Users available to CAN PARÉS RURAL may be communicated to the following third parties: Public Administrations for the fulfillment of legal obligations and banking entities for the management of collections and payments. In addition, they will be able to communicate with the following categories of managers: Providers of electronic communications and online office automation, hosting, SaaS services such as CRM/*ERP, management, accounting, auditing and lawyers. CAN PARÉS RURAL may transfer the personal data to agents located outside the European Economic Area with whom it will adopt the appropriate guarantees for the security of the transfer.

Exercise of rights

The interested party may at any time exercise the rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation, opposition or portability by email addressed to gdpr@CAN PARÉS or by writing addressed to CAN PARÉS RURAL, C/Bailèn 50, local 7, 08009 – Barcelona. In treatments whose legitimacy is based on consent, the User has the right to withdraw this consent at any time. You can contact our Data Protection Officer at gdpr@CAN PARÉS, or send your request to C/Bailèn 50, local 7, 08009 – Barcelona Attention. Likewise , we inform him that he has the right to present a claim to the corresponding control authority if he deems it appropriate.

CAN PARÉS RURAL as data controller

CAN PARÉS RURAL informs all Owners of rural accommodation that CAN PARÉS RURAL will be considered to be in charge of the processing of all personal data owned by the Owners to which it has access during the provision of the services offered.

In this sense, the contract is formalized under the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation at the time of registering on the platform and service by accepting the same Privacy Policy. The terms are as follows:

a) CAN PARÉS RURAL will have to process personal data only following the instructions of the Owners for the achievement of the service, including with respect to transfers of personal data, unless it is obliged to do so by virtue of the Law of the Union or of the Member States; in such case, the Provider will inform the Owners of this legal requirement prior to treatment, unless such Law prohibits it for important reasons of public interest; b) Guarantee that the persons authorized to process personal data have undertaken to respect confidentiality or are subject to a confidentiality obligation of a statutory nature; c) Take all the necessary measures in accordance with article 32 of the Regulation; d) Do not subcontract the processing of the data to other persons in charge, without prior authorization. When the Manager uses another person in charge to carry out certain processing activities on behalf of the Owners, he will impose on this other person in charge, by contract, the same data protection obligations as those stipulated in this Contract. If this other processor fails to comply with its data protection obligations, the Processor will continue to be fully responsible to the Owner with respect to the fulfillment of the obligations of the other processor. In any case, the data may be communicated to the following third party recipients: Public Administrations for the fulfillment of legal obligations. In addition, they will be able to communicate with the following categories of managers: Providers of electronic communications and online office automation, hosting, SaaS services such as CRM/*ERP, management, accounting, auditing and lawyers. CAN PARÉS RURAL will be able to transfer personal data to Data Processors located outside the European Economic Area with whom it will have adopted the appropriate guarantees for the security of data transfer; e) Assist the Owners, taking into account the nature of the treatment, through appropriate technical and organizational measures, whenever possible, so that they can comply with their obligation to respond to requests that have as their object the exercise of the rights of the interested parties. In this case, CAN PARÉS RURAL must communicate it by email to the contact address of the Owners. The communication must be made immediately and in no case beyond the working day following the receipt of the request, together, if applicable, with the information that may be relevant to attend to the request. legality f) Help the Owners to guarantee compliance with the obligations established in articles 32 to 36 of the Regulation, taking into account the nature of the treatment and the information available to the person in charge; g) Unless the Owners indicate otherwise, delete all personal data once the provision of the Services ends, as well as delete existing copies, unless the retention of personal data is required under Union Law or Member States; h) Make available to the Owners all the necessary information to demonstrate compliance with the obligations established in article 28 of the Regulation, as well as to allow and contribute to the performance of audits, including inspections, by the Owners or from another auditor authorized by him; i) Immediately inform the Owners if, in the opinion of CAN PARÉS RURAL, an instruction infringes the Regulations or other provisions on data protection of the Union or the Member States; j) Comply with any other obligation that corresponds to you in accordance with current data protection regulations. k) Notify the Owners, without undue delay and, in any case, before the maximum period of 48 hours, through their email, of any violation of the security of personal data of which they are aware, together with all the relevant information for the documentation, resolution and communication of the incident.

The Owners undertake to respect all the legislation and regulations that are applicable to them, facing the responsibility that derives from their breach of this legislation and regulations, having to indemnify CAN PARÉS RURAL from the damages that could derive- aware of this breach. Specifically, the Owners must deliver or allow CAN PARÉS RURAL access to the data in order to provide the Services; Carry out an assessment of the impact on the protection of personal data of the processing activities to be carried out by CAN PARÉS RURAL, when appropriate; Make the appropriate prior inquiries; Ensure, beforehand and throughout the treatment, that CAN PARÉS RURAL complies with the Regulations; Monitor processing, including conducting inspections and audits.

Personal data will be processed exclusively for the purpose of providing the Services. The data that can be provided may have the category of special data and the category of interested party may be of Users of the platform and their related information. The relationship will be governed by Spanish law and if there is any dispute it will be resolved in the courts of CAN PARÉS RURAL's domicile.

Data contained in the portal

In general, in order to access and browse the contents of the Portal, prior registration of the User is not necessary. However, the use of certain services and contents may be conditional on the prior registration of the User. In such case, the data entered by the User must be accurate, current and truthful.

Once registered, the User will be able to customize their profile, being able to provide certain personal information about themselves, including their first and last name, gender, age, date of birth, address, image, etc.

On the other hand, the User knows and accepts that by participating in opinion sections, uploading content to the Portal, making comments and/or contributions as well as providing any other type of information through their public profile, their data these contents can be viewed, next to their user name and profile photo, by the other Users of the Portal.

Users undertake not to provide any personal data considered particularly protected according to current data protection regulations (health, religion, sexual life, ideology, etc.) through their profile.

Likewise, in the event that the User provides CAN PARÉS RURAL with personal data relating to third parties, this must have obtained their prior and express informed consent. Otherwise, the User is strictly prohibited from providing personal data, including the image of third parties when using the Portal and the services offered therein. The User undertakes to indemnify CAN PARÉS RURAL against any possible claim, penalty, fine or sanction that may be forced to bear as a result of the User's failure to comply with the duty described in this paragraph.



 1. Enable the maintenance, development and management of the business relationship formalized by contracting services through this Website. In addition, people who hire services will receive quality surveys to find out their degree of satisfaction with the services. The data processed for this purpose will be kept as long as this business relationship is maintained and, once it has ended, during the retention and limitation periods of responsibilities provided for by law. The legal basis for the treatment is the execution of a contract to which the interested party is a party.
2. Make it possible for Travelers to communicate with the Owners of the accommodations published in CAN PARÉS RURAL. This communication request allows the Traveler to create an account in CAN PARÉS RURAL. In addition, the Traveler will be able to receive quality surveys to find out their level of satisfaction. The data processed for this purpose will be kept until the moment the Traveler expresses his will to delete his account and, after that, during the periods of conservation and prescription of responsibilities provided by law. The legal basis for the treatment is the consent shown by the Traveler when he makes his first communication request.
3. Respond to requests for information and/or inquiries made by the User. The data processed for this purpose will be kept during the retention and limitation periods of responsibilities provided for by law. The legal basis for the treatment is the User's consent.
4. Keep the User informed, even by electronic means, about the products, services and news of CAN PARÉS RURAL. The data processed for this purpose will be kept until the User withdraws their consent. If the User consents to the processing of their data for this purpose, they must check the box enabled for this purpose on the Website. The legal basis for the treatment is the User's consent.
5. Keep the User informed, even by electronic means, about the products, services and news of third parties exclusively belonging to the following sectors, areas of activity or categories: tourism, hospitality and catering, entertainment, sports, culture , leisure and travel. The data processed for this purpose will be kept until the User withdraws their consent. If the User consents to the processing of their data for this purpose, they must check the box enabled for this purpose on the Website. The legal basis for the treatment is the User's consent.
6. In the case of sending a resume through this Website, the data provided by the Interested Party will be processed to attend to his application for employment and, if this is the case, to allow him to opt for a job in CAN PARÉS RURAL. The data processed for this purpose will be kept until the end of the selection process for which they apply. The legal basis for the treatment is the application of pre-contractual measures.
7. Manage and publish the comments made by Users on the Corporate Blog of CAN PARÉS RURAL. The data processed for this purpose will be kept until the User withdraws their consent. The legal basis for the treatment is the User's consent.
8. Carry out quality surveys to find out the degree of satisfaction of Travelers and Owners with the services provided by CAN PARÉS RURAL. The data processed for this purpose will be kept during the retention and limitation periods of responsibilities provided for by law. The legal basis for processing is the consent shown during participation in the survey.

Communications and transfers

The Traveler User knows and accepts that CAN PARÉS RURAL may communicate their data to the Users Owners of rural accommodation whose rural houses appear published on the Portal (henceforth, "the Owners") and with whom the own Traveler User (from now on, "the Travelers"), so that they can process the management of the reservation or attend to any inquiry made by the Travelers.

In any case, the personal data of Users available to CAN PARÉS RURAL may be communicated to the following third parties: Public Administrations for the fulfillment of legal obligations and banking entities for the management of collections and payments. In addition, they will be able to communicate with the following categories of managers: Providers of electronic communications and online office automation, hosting, SaaS services such as CRM/*ERP, management, accounting, auditing and lawyers. CAN PARÉS RURAL may transfer the personal data to agents located outside the European Economic Area with whom it will adopt the appropriate guarantees for the security of the transfer.

Exercise of rights

The interested party may at any time exercise the rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation, opposition or portability by email addressed to gdpr@CAN PARÉS or by writing addressed to CAN PARÉS RURAL, C/Bailèn 50, local 7, 08009 – Barcelona. In treatments whose legitimacy is based on consent, the User has the right to withdraw this consent at any time. You can contact our Data Protection Officer at gdpr@CAN PARÉS, or send your request to C/Bailèn 50, local 7, 08009 – Barcelona Attention. Likewise , we inform him that he has the right to present a claim to the corresponding control authority if he deems it appropriate.

CAN PARÉS RURAL as data controller

CAN PARÉS RURAL informs all Owners of rural accommodation that CAN PARÉS RURAL will be considered to be in charge of the processing of all personal data owned by the Owners to which it has access during the provision of the services offered.

In this sense, the contract is formalized under the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation at the time of registering on the platform and service by accepting the same Privacy Policy. The terms are as follows:

a) CAN PARÉS RURAL will have to process personal data only following the instructions of the Owners for the achievement of the service, including with respect to transfers of personal data, unless it is obliged to do so by virtue of the Law of the Union or of the Member States; in such case, the Provider will inform the Owners of this legal requirement prior to treatment, unless such Law prohibits it for important reasons of public interest; b) Guarantee that the persons authorized to process personal data have undertaken to respect confidentiality or are subject to a confidentiality obligation of a statutory nature; c) Take all the necessary measures in accordance with article 32 of the Regulation; d) Do not subcontract the processing of the data to other persons in charge, without prior authorization. When the Manager uses another person in charge to carry out certain processing activities on behalf of the Owners, he will impose on this other person in charge, by contract, the same data protection obligations as those stipulated in this Contract. If this other processor fails to comply with its data protection obligations, the Processor will continue to be fully responsible to the Owner with respect to the fulfillment of the obligations of the other processor. In any case, the data may be communicated to the following third party recipients: Public Administrations for the fulfillment of legal obligations. In addition, they will be able to communicate with the following categories of managers: Providers of electronic communications and online office automation, hosting, SaaS services such as CRM/*ERP, management, accounting, auditing and lawyers. CAN PARÉS RURAL will be able to transfer personal data to Data Processors located outside the European Economic Area with whom it will have adopted the appropriate guarantees for the security of data transfer; e) Assist the Owners, taking into account the nature of the treatment, through appropriate technical and organizational measures, whenever possible, so that they can comply with their obligation to respond to requests that have as their object the exercise of the rights of the interested parties. In this case, CAN PARÉS RURAL must communicate it by email to the contact address of the Owners. The communication must be made immediately and in no case beyond the working day following the receipt of the request, together, if applicable, with the information that may be relevant to attend to the request. legality f) Help the Owners to guarantee compliance with the obligations established in articles 32 to 36 of the Regulation, taking into account the nature of the treatment and the information available to the person in charge; g) Unless the Owners indicate otherwise, delete all personal data once the provision of the Services ends, as well as delete existing copies, unless the retention of personal data is required under Union Law or Member States; h) Make available to the Owners all the necessary information to demonstrate compliance with the obligations established in article 28 of the Regulation, as well as to allow and contribute to the performance of audits, including inspections, by the Owners or from another auditor authorized by him; i) Immediately inform the Owners if, in the opinion of CAN PARÉS RURAL, an instruction infringes the Regulations or other provisions on data protection of the Union or the Member States; j) Comply with any other obligation that corresponds to you in accordance with current data protection regulations. k) Notify the Owners, without undue delay and, in any case, before the maximum period of 48 hours, through their email, of any violation of the security of personal data of which they are aware, together with all the relevant information for the documentation, resolution and communication of the incident.

The Owners undertake to respect all the legislation and regulations that are applicable to them, facing the responsibility that derives from their breach of this legislation and regulations, having to indemnify CAN PARÉS RURAL from the damages that could derive- aware of this breach. Specifically, the Owners must deliver or allow CAN PARÉS RURAL access to the data in order to provide the Services; Carry out an assessment of the impact on the protection of personal data of the processing activities to be carried out by CAN PARÉS RURAL, when appropriate; Make the appropriate prior inquiries; Ensure, beforehand and throughout the treatment, that CAN PARÉS RURAL complies with the Regulations; Monitor processing, including conducting inspections and audits.

Personal data will be processed exclusively for the purpose of providing the Services. The data that can be provided may have the category of special data and the category of interested party may be of Users of the platform and their related information. The relationship will be governed by Spanish law and if there is any dispute it will be resolved in the courts of CAN PARÉS RURAL's domicile.

Data contained in the portal

In general, in order to access and browse the contents of the Portal, prior registration of the User is not necessary. However, the use of certain services and contents may be conditional on the prior registration of the User. In such case, the data entered by the User must be accurate, current and truthful.

Once registered, the User will be able to customize their profile, being able to provide certain personal information about themselves, including their first and last name, gender, age, date of birth, address, image, etc.

On the other hand, the User knows and accepts that by participating in opinion sections, uploading content to the Portal, making comments and/or contributions as well as providing any other type of information through their public profile, their data these contents can be viewed, next to their user name and profile photo, by the other Users of the Portal.

Users undertake not to provide any personal data considered particularly protected according to current data protection regulations (health, religion, sexual life, ideology, etc.) through their profile.

Likewise, in the event that the User provides CAN PARÉS RURAL with personal data relating to third parties, this must have obtained their prior and express informed consent. Otherwise, the User is strictly prohibited from providing personal data, including the image of third parties when using the Portal and the services offered therein. The User undertakes to indemnify CAN PARÉS RURAL against any possible claim, penalty, fine or sanction that may be forced to bear as a result of the User's failure to comply with the duty described in this paragraph.